+49 0176 4440 7238

What we do

what we do

The Final Trip has taken a proactive step by establishing an organization that brings together all Cameroonian groups and volunteer associations dedicated to eliminating the need for public fundraising when a death occurs.

We urge every community member to join an association of their choice. We encourage them to avoid living in isolation and to be part of a group within the community. This can help prevent situations like those seen in Germany, where individuals' nationalities are often only discovered after their death, and they lack connections within the community.

The objective of The Final Trip

Encourage Members of the Cameroonian community to come out of their isolation by integrating the different existing associations in order to facillitate their integration and strengthen solidarity.

Provide a lasting solution to the chapter of bereavement contributions with all the associations of the immigrant community in case of death of one of their members. It is known that the financial contribution during the loss of a member in a group or association remains by far the most important help, and no one is ever quite prepared to assume the financial burden.

Gather around all existing Cameroonian associations in Germany to facilitate the operations surrounding the death of a member of the immigrant community in Germany.

The Final trip wants by this socio-community approach, to relieve the bereaved family and group by reducing the costs related to the death.

Work collectively to facilitate the management of repatriation or execution of the last will of the deceased.

Core values

core values

The Final trip is a non-profit organization, whose primary mission is to help the community and eradicate public funding request after a death occurs.

  • Integrity and professionalism:

    Donor funds and associations are operated according to (the) line (s) budget (s) and that all transactions are carried out transparently. The Final Trip never uses the funds for other reasons other than its primary objective.

    We provide financial reports to donors and member associations, regardless of the amount of the grant or contribution. We believe that the timely submission of these reports create the trust we earn from our donors

  • Courtesy:

    All our volunteers are trained to treat all our stakeholders with respect.

  • Fairness, Equity and Teamwork:

    We endeavor to reach out to all vulnerable and needy children and their families regardless of their race, educational background, family history or color. We do not support political parties, religious groups or a particular group of the society.

    We involve the grassroots in problem-solving. We do not take an implementation role: we take a facilitator role so that programs will be sustainable even in the event we wind-up programs in areas where we work.

Membership conditions

One of the objectives pursued by Final trip is to motivate each member of the community to attend an association of their choice. Persuade him / her out of isolation and belong to a group within the community to avoid cases like those that occurred in Germany in the past (people who would have known their nationality only after their death.) And worse whom no one in the community knew of). It is often very shameful to deal with this kind of situation. Hence the importance of being a member (or sympathizer) of an association or a group. To be a member of the Final trip:

  • It is mandatory to be a member of an association or a group in the community.
  • The association or group of which you are a member or sympathizer is registered with Final trip and indirectly grants you membership with Final trip.
  • Any association in the community has the opportunity to offer all its members the right to be members of Final trip by signing a membership agreement and payment of a one time registration fee.